After much consideration, the Dunn’s Twin City Cranes Tallangatta District Football League has cancelled its 2020 season due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
At a meeting of club Presidents on Wednesday June 24th, the season was cancelled for all senior, reserve and underage football with several factors influencing the decision.
Dunn’s Twin City Cranes TDFL President Rex Gray said, “This is a significant decision for the league and follows an extensive consultation process with our clubs over several weeks and monitoring of the COVID-19 restrictions”.
“We have said all along that the health and safety of our communities is our highest priority, in cancelling all grades of football we are maintaining that philosophy. Secondary factors of financial and volunteer strain are real and by cancelling the 2020 season, we are preserving the financial security of member clubs.” he said.
Whilst the Dunn’s Twin City Cranes TDFL will not be conducting a season, several clubs have expressed interest in providing opportunities for junior teams to play within the COVID-19 limitations which Gray said would be a matter for individual clubs.
“As a league we won’t be conducting a season however, we appreciate that restrictions vary for junior sport and should clubs wish to organise localised matches they should do that by arrangement and continue to ensure safety measures are maintained as the highest priority” said Mr. Gray.
“We have strong family clubs and whilst it is devastating not to provide a 2020 season, we will collectively work together to ensure we maximise the opportunities that 2021 will provide for community football and netball”.