The UMFNL Feasibility Study final report which was adopted by the AFLNEB Commission on Wednesday June 17th, 2020 has been completed.
In conjunction with UMFNL clubs, a Working Party has been established to develop an Amalgamated Club model for presentation to the UMFNL Clubs which is scheduled to be completed by August 15th and can be considered against the current UMFNL model.
The AFLNEB 2020 Upper Murray Feasibility Study explored options for the continuation of Football and Netball in the communities of the Upper Murray beyond 2020.
The Study Team was compromised due to the COVID-19 situation with the Independent Facilitator terminated and the process undertaken in 8 Stages whilst remaining within the requirements of the projects Terms of Reference.
The Study considered the capacity of the Upper Murray Communities to:
- Sustain the Upper Murray Football Netball League as an ongoing concern
- Sustain a pathway for football and netball participants in the Upper Murray
- Establish sustainable alternate models for football and netball in the Upper Murray including but not limited to the formation of new entities
On adoption, the Final Report shall be delivered to the UMFNL Clubs within 7 days being Stages 7 & 8 which incorporates the presentation of the Final Report to the UMFNL Clubs and other Football bodies as maybe necessary and the implementation of the Upper Murray Football Netball Sustainability Action Plan.
The Feasibility Study established the following Guiding Principles which have influenced the Report’s conclusions.
Guiding Principles
- Maintain participation and pathway opportunities for sport in the Upper Murray
- Maximise participation opportunities for junior participants and their families
- Maintain the rich history of football and netball in the Upper Murray region
- Maximise the potential of developed community facilities
- By June 30th, 2020 establish a clear direction for the UMFNL for a period of at least 3 years
The outcomes for football and netball in the Upper Murray must to be owned by the clubs through constitutional processes and/or AFL Victoria Regulations and therefore information is to be made available to best inform the decision-making process.
As the outcomes may have unforeseen consequences, both positive and negative, seeking sustainable immediate and longer-term outcomes may have collateral damage as a result, however, as the highest priority, decisions are required in the interests of the future of football and netball in the Upper Murray despite the adversity presented by Bushfire and COVID-19.
2020 UMFNL Feasibility Study - Conclusions
1. That the future direction for football and Netball in the Upper Murray must be the responsibility of the UMFNL clubs and they must have options and access to information to make informed decisions
That all football and netball directions must be owned, planned and delivered by the communities of the Upper Murray and that they cannot be pushed in any direction which cannot be sustained by the local influences.
2. The immediate viability of the UMFNL is dependent on a commitment of a minimum of 4 clubs which currently cannot be guaranteed; a 4-club league would remain vulnerable to collapse
That any league with less than 4 clubs is vulnerable therefore other options need to be explored. Should the league collapse at any stage, no alternate options would be available and participation opportunities will not exist in the Upper Murray.
3. A model for an amalgamated club must be formally developed for football and netball in the Upper Murray by the Upper Murray Communities where the risks can be assessed by the UMFNL Clubs against the existing UMFNL proposition
Varying UMFNL club opinion on the future has prevented open and constructive discussion on any alternate modelling for football and netball despite growing challenges therefore threatening sustainable participation opportunities for football and netball. An alternative model must now be explored, considered and debated.
4. The Upper Murray cannot support an UMFNL (minimum 4 clubs) and a new entity under any guise participating in the TDFL
Insufficient resources available to support current club needs nor an additional football and netball club which would be competing in a higher level.
5. No clubs will be forced to join the UMFNL from neighbouring Leagues
Rules provide a process for club transfers and no club has expressed interest in the UMFNL. Forcing a club out of an existing league into the UMFNL is not considered a solution to UMFNL challenges.
6. That not acting now to secure future participation in the Upper Murray for football and netball will limit localised opportunities as capacity to rebuild will be further diminished
That the UMFNL is not expected to experience growth; the consequences of prolonging action to a later date will further diminish the area and leagues capacity and ability to revisit, therefore participation opportunities will not exist in the Upper Murray.
The immediate future of the UMFNL is vulnerable and must ultimately be decided prior to August 30th, 2020. A Working Party will be established under a Terms of Reference to develop a model for an amalgamated club which would potentially seek application to enter the Tallangatta DFL. This is scheduled to be completed by August 15th and must include consultation with the TDFL. With the UMFNL clubs taking ownership of the direction, they will assess an amalgamated club model against the current UMFNL proposition and therefore make informed decisions. Any subsequent actions would follow the processes available under AFL Victoria Country Rules and Regulations.